Saturday, July 3, 2010


GAMES went really well this week. It was so fun to teach them new songs and games. They seemed to really enjoy it. In fact, we have seen some of them playing the games we taught them during their free time!! Each morning, we started with the Ugandan national anthem, prayer, a song, and review of the theme verse. Then, we took the older kids (first through fifth grade) and rotated them between stations of games and art. In the afternoon, we took the younger kids (3 year olds to kindergarten) and did activities with them. This quickly became Andrea's favorite part of the day! :)

Here they are singing one of their favorite songs. See if you can recognize it....they know the tune and motions more than the words! :) Especially watch Boaz on the far right and Simon (who thinks it's too loud).

Here are two of the youngest that have become the best of friends, Peter and Mercy. When we were here last, they were just babies. It's fun to see how much they've grown and how much personality they have!! Even the best of friends can sometimes be too rough (don't worry Mercy wasn't hurt).


stephanie said...

This definitely made my heart melt <3 I love those little ones, and their sweet smiles. Thanks for sharing, love you both, steph

Nicole said...

Both of these videos are so adorable! They are so sweet! Thanks for posting :)

Lois said...

Thanks for the sounds!!! Priceless!!!