The Best Gift is Giving
On Tuesday, I had the awesome privilege of joining our church in an outreach to a nearby slum area. One of our deacons ministers here each week by conducting a church service on Sundays and a Bible study on Tuesdays. He compiled a list of the families that attend these fellowships so that we could organize boxes for them. Over the past couple of months, our church has been collecting clothes and other items to give away. Tuesday, we
sorted through the clothes and picked at least one article of clothing for each member of the 55 families on the list. We put them in boxes based on their family unit. We also added a bag of rice, a bag of beans, sugar, and soap. Some families also received blankets, toys, and cooking utensils. After we packed the boxes, we headed to the slum area - only about 5 minutes from the
church. I was shocked when we arrived that no one was clambering for the boxes. In fact, some helped us unload while the others patiently waited for instructions. Our deacon made sure to announce that these items were donated by friends here in Uganda - they were not brought from America or Europe, which is often the case. As he called out their names, they would step forward to receive their box while everyone else clapped for
them. It was amazing to watch! After most of them returned to their humble homes, some of the kids stayed to play and admire my white skin. I absolutely LOVED going and seeing the gratitude on their faces. It reminded me of the true meaning of Christmas. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive!
(The other pictures can be viewed here.)
wow!! What an opportunity!! This sounds like an amazing time!
Looks like a great experience...
Dear Andrea,
I am SO GLAD you were able to participate in this ministry...and that it was such a special blessing!! Thanks for sharing your love and your heart with others as you did!! Much love, Nancy.
This truly is the true meaning of CHRISTMAS! So glad you were able to be there to help and experience this! Thanks for all you are doing! Love you and see you soon, Stephanie
I read your blog and loved it!
It makes my want to go to Uganda.
Maybe God will open the door for me too!
Bless you,
Kathryn Lyn
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